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Spiritual Counseling &  

Alternative Therapy

contemplative | integrative | trauma-informed

transpersonal | spiritual | depth hypnosis

nature reverence | earth and social justice

somatic | visceral | neural

Kristina Renée provides sacred space supporting the alchemical movement of reclaiming one's own innate abilities of healing to live more freely in the world and in relations. She nurtures the process of connecting and reclaiming personal power and understanding on how to unravel harmful patterns to find meaning in life experiences, especially the difficult ones.


Kristina is a compassionate space holder, a Spiritual Counseling Practitioner in the methodology of Depth Hypnosis and Applied Shamanic Counseling. She is Yoga, Breathwork & Meditation Guide, Writer and a Mother. She works with a wide range of issues clients present, and curates a compassionate curiosity and collaborative space for her clients.


She carries a deep wisdom that as we each tend to the body, mind, and spirit with compassion we also expand this awareness to one another and to our earth Mother. As we each embrace how to be in the inner wisdom and compassionate guidance of our human experiences, we become accountable for our thread in the fabric of humanity, weaving our own healing and that of our sisters and brothers for justice, equality and transformation.


"...remember why you came here. this life is sacred..." 

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